Monday, November 22, 2010

'Die Stal' Restaurant Christmas Gift Market in Montagu

The Christmas market last weekend at 'Die Stal' Restaurant just outside Montagu, was quite successful and a fun-filled day indeed. It was kind of my first market, and I must say it went better than expected. I took some pictures to share my experience ...

My Christmas tags - 10 different designs of my own, printed on recycled paper and made into packets of 5 each. It was my most popular product on the day :-)

My ear rings got very positive comments

Some wooden hearts I made for the market as well

This lovely wire mannequin formed part of my table display

Suzanne Venter, the owner of the restaurant, made these lovely Christmas trees

She also made these adorable little reindeer from braai wood

Everyone could relax and enjoy the day underneath the trees

The friendly kitchen staff of the restaurant - best chips I've ever had :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love the suitcase packed with all your goodies. very stylish.
